Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Compete fruits by leaves

Arthritis and gout, strawberry leaf tea make it by two full teaspoons of whole or chopped dried leaves pour full cup of boiling water and after 15 minutes of strain. Drink tea three times a day for a cup after meals.

It can also be Grgoc for a sore throat or clings to painful joints. Similarly prepared from fresh leaves and earlier can be filtrated.

MAGIC PH REGULATOR Click Here Www.Health.Producrate.ComIf you decide to treat this tea, you should consult with your doctor prior. People allergic to strawberries may be allergic to tea. strawberry leaves in the stomach soothing because it offers a better balance between acids and bases. Plenty of tannins increases the pH, which soothes and stimulates digestion.

Because tea is recommended for nausea, bloating, cramping and diarrhea
Universal cure afraid
In a study recently published in the American magazine "Neuroimunomodulacije" states that caffeic acid in the leaves of strawberry encourages the elimination of water from inflamed joints and that are why it recommended in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
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All of these diseases include water retention and pain due to swelling , stiffness and reduced mobility of the joints, and caffeic acid again has expressed anti-inflammatory properties. Mentioned In addition asorbinske and plenty of acid in the list, and this is one of the most powerful known natural antioxidant.

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