Thursday, 29 May 2014

Suitable Weight For Height

Know the amount of fat in the body by using the body mass index put Experts way to know whether the weight of a particular person comes within the weights appropriate to the length / length. This method is called body mass index, a formula used by doctors to estimate the amount of fat in the body of a person depending on the weight and length.

Uses in this equation, height and weight to calculate body mass index number. Then write the number on the scheme whether a person's weight is less than the appropriate weight or within the normal average or exposed to high above the appropriate weight or is actually above the appropriate weight.
Calculate body mass index of adolescents process the most complex bit of calculated for adults (due to the stage of puberty). Used to outline the body mass of adolescents lines percentages to compare a person's body mass Bechtel objects very large group of people of the same age and s*x.
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There are schemes for boys and girls under the age of twenty. No. writes a person's body mass on your chart his age and s*x. Each scheme in which eight lines of C groups of five, ten, and twenty-fifth, fifty, and seventy-five and eighty-fifth and ninety. Teenager who increase the mass of his body on the category percentage ninety-fifth considered and weighed in excess of the appropriate because 95% of a group of persons of the same age less blocks their bodies on the mass of the body.

The teenager, who will be without fifth category is the percentage weight without appropriate because 95% of his age group over blocks their bodies on the mass of the body. Method used below to calculate your body
. First, you must know your height and your weight accurately. Libra normally used in the bathroom and Metering not always accurate figures. So the best way is to take your weight and your height in a doctor's office or at school.

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