Tuesday, 27 May 2014

5 Plants that have a beneficial impact on health

Although we live in an era of great advances in technology, people are increasingly turning to alternative medicine and treatment plants.

 Even the aboriginals used tea tree for a variety of health problems, like chewing leaves of this plant have removed the headache.

 The leaves and twigs, used for making oil from these plants have antifungal and antibacterial properties and this oil should definitely find a place in every home. Tea tree oil is used to treat: cystitis, acne, athlete's foot, insect bites, burns, chronic fatigue, fever, etc..Mnay More Sources Here Dr. Darwin Smith Scam

Because of its sweet and fresh scent voćkastog, Chamomile has long been used as a remedy for various problems with the digestive system. It has a calming effect and aromatherapy is used to reduce stress and eliminate insomnia. This herb is commonly used to treat toothache, pain in the ears, pain in the shoulders and neuralgia.

 Neven grow on almost any type of soil, it is just that there is sufficient moisture. Neven is very well known for its beneficial effects on various skin diseases, as well as to bite, burns, wounds, veins, etc.. If you enter as a tea, calendula is good for fever and chronic infections, as well as varicose veins. As a coating, calendula is good for removing warts.
Burdock is also seeking moisture and can grow if it is all the time in the sun. This herb is very popular in oriental medicine. Root korsiti the cleaning of toxins from the body, as well as to remove the infection of the throat and skin problems, such as burns, rashes, blisters, abrasions, herpes, eczema, acne, and bites.

The leaves and seed can be crumbled and is used as a coating for abrasion, burns and ulcers.

 Aloe grows only in a well sunlit areas where the soil is dry. Although the plant itself has terrible taste, it is still edible. The juice of this plant is very good for speeding up the healing of the skin, as well as to reduce the risk of gaining infections caused by cuts, burns and eczema.
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 Besides being used externally, aloe, and is also good to drink. She is known as an excellent remedy for chronic constipation, poor appetite, problems with varenjemem and stomach ulcers.

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